Page 33 - KZN Film A Report
P. 33

           KZN Locations and Facilities
A total of 10 Made for TV projects that were funded by the KZNFC shot their projects in October/November 2020 following fam tours of the 9 of the productions in sourcing and selecting locations throughout the province namely Rugby Town, Ibhasi LikaMdaphuna, Hamba Yedwa, Lachitheka Igazi, Imbangi, Blind Eye, End Game, One Time Pin, Uphondo and Salamina.
Film Cluster
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the occupancy rate of the Film Cluster during the 2020/21 financial year. On average, the occupancy rate reduced by 70%-90% during this time. The Board took a resolution to offer the Cluster tenants holiday payments during the lockdown. This was to ease the financial burden that the filmmakers faced during this difficult time.
Industry Partnerships
The KZNFC is constantly working on establishing formal agreements/partnerships with industry in order to offer discounted rates to productions reducing their overall production costs and becoming a cost competitive destination. The KZNFC has confirmed Agreements in the following areas:
• Medics and covid compliance officers
• One-Stop-Shop for all filming requirements
• Insurance risk management for all production insurance
• Security services for film production
Locations Database
KZNFC constantly updates location images across the province in order to demonstrate the variety of locations and to spread the productions throughout KZN by promoting the lesser-known locations.
Revenue Collection
KZNFC receives 100% of its allocation from the fiscus and is not a revenue generating entity. However, the entity has been able to generate additional revenue from other sources. During the 2020/21, the entity was able to generate own revenue as follows:
• R140 347 – Revenue received from tenants renting office space in the KZN Film Cluster. The amount was lower than previous year due to the KZNFC having granted a 4-month rental holiday to tenants during Level 4 and 5 of the national lockdown.
• R2 003 771 – Interest earned on call account.
• R1 435 740 – Funding received from MICT SETA in
funding the NQF level 5 training programme.
• R900 000 – Funding received from NFVF in contribution
to the Made for TV-quality boost productions.
Further information with regards to the revenue collected during the year is presented in the audited annual financial statements.
Capital Investment
KZNFC received seed capital funding from EDTEA in 2018/19 to research the development and facilitate the establishment of a Film Studio in the Province. An amount of R15m was to be used annually for a period of three years. The first phase of the pre-feasibility was undertaken. However, in 2018-19 financial year, the Auditor-General declared the transaction irregular and a legal process is underway to regularise the matter. The project has been on hold since July 2019.

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