Page 53 - Playhouse Annual Report 2021:22
P. 53

Part D: Human Resource Management
The Company’s Human Resources Strategy aims to support and service the HR requirements of the organization through consistent and professional interventions. These include Recruitment and Selection, Skills Development, Employee Relations, Performance Management and Organizational Design and Development.
The Annual Performance Plan identifies a competent, skilled and productive workforce as important to the attainment of the Company’s overall strategic objectives. Happily, our HR Staff is fully competent, and well geared to achieve Departmental objectives.
The Department focussed on the following priority areas of Human Resources Management:
· percentage vacancy rate in funded position
· percentage of the annual training plan that is implemented
· number of trainees enrolled
In the year under review the organization had an approved budget for eighty-four positions, of which sixty-six were filled by full-time employees. This financial year differed from other years due to COVID-19. Across all other levels of employment, reasons for turnover were outside the control of the Company. As part of Cost Containment, only critical vacancies were filled by full-time employees. Otherwise, the Company deployed temporary employees without incurring adverse results.
The Company made further strides in improving female staff representivity in the organization, achieving an increase across the board from 41% in the last reported period, to 50% in the year currently under review.
The Company remains steadfastly compliant with regulatory reporting on employment equity, implementing affirmative action among employees from different race and gender groups.
The Company pays 1 %( one percent) of our annual salaries budget on skills development,through which targeted training opportunities are provided for employees.Training in Health & Safety, Governance, and Compliance, Computer literacy, Tax, Marketing and Press Release Writing, were planned and implemented.
Workforce planning means having the right people with the right skills in the right jobs at the correct cost. Attraction of skills in a skills constrained environment is a challenge. The attraction and recruitment of a skilled and capable workforce is guided by the Company’s Recruitment and Selection Policy and Employment Equity Plan.
We recently enhanced our recruitment processes by utilising online channels, giving access to both passive and active people in the job market across regions. An online job portal was developed to complement the standard recruitment processes used by the Company. The Job portal now on the Company’s website alerts visitors to the site of employment vacancies. This facility has already seen a fair degree of success.
As part of the Company’s contribution to alleviating unemployment and developing skills amongst the youth, seven young people received ‘on-the-job’ training. This initiative also augments our talent pool of potential future employees.
Linking organizational and individual wellness to productivity and improved service delivery outcomes, the Company provided confidential assistance to employees adversely affected by the COVID pandemic in the year under review.
The Human Resources Department ensures that HR Policies are up to date by continuously reviewing them to align with relevant legislation. While certain policies were reviewed, no new policies were developed nor were policy amendments approved.
The Company has a stable labour relations environment. The Company has a recognition agreement with SACCAWU, and negotiations on substantive conditions of employment were finalised during August, with all employees receiving a market related salary increase against the backdrop of a difficult financial situation.
There were no Labour Court cases. One case was referred to the CCMA for adjudication. Two employees were issued with corrective sanctions out of the two misconduct cases that were held.
1. Human Resources Achievements
Despite the work challenges of COVID, the following has been achieved:
· A Health and Safety Programme was adapted to accommodate COVID-19 in the organization
· Employees were empowered to work from home
· Online recruitment was introduced
· Maintenance of a positive culture and workplace experience
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