Page 5 - Texas Dimensional: Fine Art in Three Dimensions Catalog of Work
P. 5




             It had always been a dream of ours to be able to curate an exhibition of 3-Dimensional
             work. We have so many very good friends and acquaintances that are supremely talented
             3D artists. These incredible folks work in various media; wood, clay, metal, glass and fiber
             and some work with all of these in their mixed media creations. So, in 2015 we sponsored
             and curated our first 3D exhibition at Centro Cultural Aztlan on Fredericksburg Road in San
             Antonio. Our driving motivation was to expose the myth and generally held perception that
             fine art has to be two dimensional.

             What do we mean by that statement? Typically, when you visit a fine arts gallery, the
             majority of the works are painting; oil, acrylic or watercolor and these command the highest
             prices. If a gallery does show 3-dimensional work it tends to be relegated to the realm of
             craft and “craft” is such a broad, collective genre it is generally perceived to have a lesser

             We are not trying to disrespect or downgrade flat work by any means, the artists that
             produce this kind of work require a skill set and experience that give those works whether
             oil, acrylic or watercolor their great value. These works are visually intriguing, stimulating
             and thought provoking. However, we feel that the skill set and experience developed
             by the 3D artist is no less demanding and, in some instances, can be more demanding.
             3-Dimensional work is just as visually intriguing, stimulating and thought provoking as
             2-dimensional work. So why aren’t these works appreciated in the same way; as fine art?

             In the late spring of 2022, we were given the fantastic opportunity to partner with the
             San Antonio Art League & Museum to once again curate an exhibition of 3-dimensional
             work utilizing their museum display space to celebrate the works by some very talented
             3D artists. As we did before, we wanted to be sure to let the artists know that this is an
             invitational  exhibition. The “jury” has essentially been the two of us who, after much
             thought, have invited 38 3D artists whose work in various media, including clay, glass,
             wood, metal and fiber, we greatly admire and feel is exemplary in their craft. We asked
             each artist to choose the work they felt best represented them.

             We feel that this exhibition is amazing on so many different levels. We are so very grateful
             to the San Antonio Art League & Museum for the opportunity to partner with them and their
             very kind and generous contribution in letting us utilize their wonderful facility. And we are
             equally grateful to all the artists who agreed to participate in this exhibition. These talented
             people are what make this exhibition of very fine 3-dimensional art so wonderful, and fully
             illustrate our thesis that 3-dimensional is indeed fine art.
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