Page 35 - Wax and Clay Talismans
P. 35
Translating an in-person workshop to an eBook, even with videos, is a challenge,
but I have done my best to bring my studio to you. My teaching style is informal but
heartfelt, and each direction and suggestion is made with your creativity in mind.
When you take what you have learned from me and claim it for your own, I am
Workshops are a two-way communication, and I am here to answer any follow-up
questions or take any suggestion that you think would make this book better. Just VIDEO NOTES
send an email to If I use your suggestion in a revision, I’ll credit
you in the acknowledgments and send you the newly revised version for free. The nice The videos in the eBook are
thing about interactive eBooks is that they are always works-in-progress.
designed to be user-friendly - one click
I try to develop workshops that do not depend on specialized products that are on the video page image should take
expensive or hard-to-find, and even though the Talisman faces in some of the you to Vimeo where you will put in
examples come from my Etsy shop, I would encourage you to come up with your own the password “shardface” and the
ideas. Let me know what you create and I’ll share it on my blog, SHARDS, and on my video will open in your browser. You
Facebook page.
may need to double-click to open the
Thanks so much for purchasing this eBook, and don’t forget that if you do order link, depending on your computer.
Talisman faces, you get a special discount just by mentioning the video password,
shardface. Here is the link to your discounted faces. • Problems?
• The videos are best viewed with
Special thanks!! the following browsers: Chrome,
Safari, Firefox, Opera, & Internet
To Michelle Belto and Joanna Powell Colbert for • Use the most up-to-date version
previewing this eBook and giving valuable feedback. of your browser.
• If you encounter technical
problems with the videos please
To my videographer, partner and best friend, Billy K, GO HERE for help.
for patiently recording these videos and keeping calm • Feel free to email me if I can
even when the worktable collapsed. help! I’ll give it a try :)
Talisman eBook: Page 35