Page 16 - BEGINNINGS: An Enso Circle Catalog
P. 16


                                 This piece has a “new beginnings” mean to me because my first assemblage
                                 art was an altar for an exhibition in 2021.

                                 Old, damaged and discarded items may seem useless to a lot of people but I
                                 often see them as an opportunity to ‘reLOVE’ forgotten objects and give them
                                 a new meaning, often with a sacred approach.

                                 This form of art expression has taught me to become more aware of my
                                 carbon footprint on this beautiful and delicate planet!

                                 “A return to new beginnings where forgotten objects now have a new
                                 artistic identity: A Sacred Remanifestation”

                                                                                                                               THE MEDITATION ALTAR
                                                                                                                               Assemblage Art
                                                                                                                               24” x 24” x 16”
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21