Page 26 - BEGINNINGS: An Enso Circle Catalog
P. 26


                     Be our circle 2, 5, 10 or more, including perhaps even younger versions of our

                     When we start, it is dark, uncertain, and there is much to learn.

                     If we dare to open to the circle, to reflect, to be vulnerable, to share the journey,
                     that wee beginning shifts.

                     Others have trod this path, are on one themselves, and join arms with us to lend
                     their strength and support.

                     Our start merges with the middles and ends of those around us, and transforms
                     from a place of fears to one of exploration and community.

                     Our tender limbs and roots, cast forth into the unknown, become wrapped with
                     experiences, support, and care.

                     If we let it. If we let ourselves be vulnerable. If we open, and reach out, and
                     gather close.

                     Beginning becomes Being.

                     The circle has healing power.
                     In the Circle we are all equal. When in the Circle, no one is in front of you.
                     No one is behind you. No one is above you. No one is below you.                                           Beginning Within The Circle
                     The Sacred Circle is designed to create unity.”                                                           Fiber
                     —DAVE CHIEF, OGLALA LAKOTA                                                                                In progress work
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