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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s


           Help, My Child Is Struggling!
           Parents, teachers, workers, who have children in their lives who are distant, different, disengaged, or
           depressed during the pandemic and families/workers want to learn how to help, heal, and hold on in
           the process.

           Class Day and Time: Thursdays from 6-7pm        Class Location: Hybrid (In-person and online)
           Class Dates: October 7, 14, 21, and 28           Course Fee: $0 notes
           Instructor: Janelle Taylor

           Missions, Marriage, and Family: Building Harmony in the Dynamics of Missions,

           Marriage, and Family
           God created marriage and the family. Healthy God honoring families are the foundation for our church-
           es and our culture. Missions (servanthood) play a vital role in the destiny and wellness of marriage,
           and subsequently, the family. God has a destiny for your family. God desires to use your marriage for
           the advancement of His kingdom. In this class, you will learn of God’s desire to focus your marriage
           and family toward making a strong impact for His kingdom - in your community, in your church, in your
           children’s schools, and in the world.
           This five-week class will highlight three dynamic principles in submission, eternity, and having a family
           that is strategically aimed. This class will help align you and your family with these biblical standards.

           Class Day and Time: Thursdays at 7-8:30pm         Class Location: Hybrid (In-person and online)
           Class Dates: October 21, 28, November 4, 11, 18
           Course Fee: $19.95 Required Workbook – Order On Your Own: Maximizing Your Marriage by Dr. Daryl
           G. Donovan [$19.95]
           Instructors: Ron & Star Nelson/Chris &Melissa Crocker

           ~BIBLE BOOK STUDY~
           The Book of Colossians: An Inductive Study
           An Inductive study is a valuable tool for a growing Christian who wants a better understanding of God’s
           Word. Through this inductive study of Colossians, you will learn to apply inductive reasoning to discov-
           er what the text says, what it means in general and what it means for your life.

           Class Day and Time: TBD                      Class Location: TBD
           Class Dates: TBD                            Course Fee: $0
           Instructor: Patricia Ashley

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