Page 4 - October 24_2
P. 4

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           We have a very unique Wednesday night schedule. On the 1st and 3rd
           Wednesdays, only our men 18 and up, will gather at 7pm for a study led

           by Pastor McKissic and his team of men. On 2nd and 4th Wednesdays on-

           ly our ladies, 18 and up, will gather for a study led by Lady Vera McKissic
           and her team of ladies. Now we will have youth Bible study every Wednes-

           day night led by Min. Janelle Taylor before we kick off our  AWANA pro-
           gram in October. This is different for the Stone, but we believe it will be

           helpful on several ends for our church community. Look out for more de-
           tails for our UTC schedule as well.

               AYA  (Ambassador Young Adults)

           The Young Adults has a

            QR code that connects
           people to all things AYA.

           Save this image on your

            phone and share it with
              young adults in the


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