Page 6 - September 18
P. 6

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

             New Member’s Class Scheduled For

                                            October 15th

           We will have pre-members class via Zoom, October 15  at 10am.  If
           you have joined Cornerstone at any time and have not completed the

           class, we would love for you to join us that day. Text “MEMBER” to
           817.468.0083 to get signed up and receive the Zoom information.

                                             Annual Church Budgets

                                                             Are Available

                                           Please stop by the connection today to pick up a copy of the
                                           2022-2023  budget  for  you  to  preview  before  our  vote  next
                                           week. Remember that only members are allowed to participate
          in the vote and review the budget. If you have texted in to participate via Zoom, you will get

          a digital copy of the budget today via email. Thank you.

                                                        Bulletins For Our

                                                              Senior Saints

                                                       We will start printing bulletins for our senior saints
                                                       who are unable to access our online bulletin, may
                                                       not be comfortable with technology or may be tech

                                                       challenged. Beginning Sunday, October 2, 2022,
                                                       there will be a limited number of printed programs
                                                       for that demographic of people. The Hospitality
                                                       Team will have them available for the senior saints

                                                       upon request. Thank you.
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