Page 4 - March 13
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M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Are you looking to start a rewarding new career in
The American Dream City? The City of Arlington will
host a job fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, April
7, 2022, at the George W. Hawkes Downtown
Library, 100 S. Center St.
Numerous City Departments, including Esports,
Public Works, Water Utilities, Information Technology,
Parks & Recreation and the Arlington Police
Department, are participating in the job fair. Some
departments will hold on-site interviews and will be prepared to extend an offer. Participants are
encouraged to pre-apply online at and bring copies of their resumes to the event.
Additionally, during the event, the City will offer two workshops for the job seeker
11 a.m. - The Resume Writing Lab – strengthen your resume and make it stand out from the rest!
1 p.m. - “Create your Pitch and Nail the Interview” – learn how to effectively communicate your
skills and abilities before and during the interview!
To register for either workshop, email your preference to
The City of Arlington offers competitive salary ranges for all positions as well as an excellent benefits
package. Full-time City employees enjoy 12 paid holidays each year along with generous sick and
vacation leave. Additionally, the City offers valuable benefits such as tuition reimbursement, 401(k)
matching, and a retirement plan through the Texas Municipal Retirement System.
Free parking for the City’s job fair is available throughout the Downtown area, including the 101 Center
parking garage to the east of the Downtown Library as well as to the west of Arlington City Hall. For
more information, please contact Human Resources at 817-459-6869 or