Page 6 - May 9
P. 6

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

               Have you ever had a moment on a Sunday when you

             wanted to pray with someone after hearing an anointed

              message during church services? Beginning Sunday,

            May 16th we will have a team onsite and ready toreceive

            your calls for prayer or maybe even to walk you through

               the process of inviting Christ into

              your life. If you would like to have

             someone pray with you on Sunday

             mornings between 11am – 11:30am

                     you can call the church at

             817.468.0083 and follow the phone

              prompts. You are still welcome to

                  email your prayer requests to

    or send

              them to us by visiting the website


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