Page 2 - December 11
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M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Cornerstone Church
Arlington, TX
December 11, 2022 Thank you for joining us
ONLINE today. We
1 0 : 0 0 A M S E R V I C E count it an honor to have you
worship in your homes
with us. If you are watching
Cornerstone’s Vision: us for the first time, please
Developing living stones inwardly, send us an email to
outwardly, and corporately, making and let us know you watched. Our staff will respond to you
disciples who make disciples for and assist you with any questions you may have. Thank you
Kingdom life God’s way. for visiting us today!
~ Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr.
New Birth Report Sick/Hospital Reports
Lorena Gillespie
Mike and Patricia Wilson
New Grandson - Colby Eugene Wilson, Jr. Wife and Mother of:
Tommy Gillespie Sr. & Tommy Jr.
Born 9.14.22 2316 Bennington Drive
7lbs 8oz ~ 20 inches Arlington, TX 76018
425 Watertown Ln
Arlington, TX 76002-4171 Shironaka Reese
Wife and Mother of:
Aundrey & Khalil Reese
5810 Chatsworth Ct
Arlington, TX 76018-2385
Bereavement Reports
Bessie C. Poole Wilbert Roland
Mother of : Father of :
Juanita (Ramon) Wilkins Cynthia Brookins
7609 Stanhope Ln 933 Trinity Dr.
Arlington, TX 76001-7372 Lancaster, TX 75146-2285
Sister In Law of :
Marcia Poole
PO Box 182597
Arlington, TX 76096-2597