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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                   Cornerstone Church
                        Arlington, TX
                    December 27, 2020                            Thank you for joining us

                                                               ONLINE today. We
                   1 0 : 0 0 A M   S E R V I C E               count it an honor to have you
                                                               worship in your homes
                                                               with us. If you are watching
             Cornerstone’s Vision 2017-2027:                   us for the first time, please
          To reach and disciple 3000 converts;                 send us an email to
               develop them toward spiritual         
          maturity, as evidenced  by discipling                and let us know you watched. Our staff will respond to you
               others, making wise decisions                   and assist you with any questions you may have. Thank you
             consistently and managing their                   for visiting us today!
             lives and households effectively.                 ~ Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr.

                     Bereavement Report                                     Sick/Hospital Report

                          Verna Benjamin                                            Helen Sango
                   Grandmother of:                                Mother of:
                   Sandra Smith                                   Edna (David) Morgan
                   1201 Beaconfield Lane #406                     3811 Enamor Dr.
                   Arlington, TX 76011                            Arlington, TX 76016
                                                                  Grandmother of: Brayden Sango & Kamarone Malone

                Children’s Sunday School

               Children’s Sunday School

               Zooms For Children’s Sunday School

                                          We have Zoom Sunday School classes for all of our children
                                          ages 3 through 6th grade. To get your child connected and
                                          enjoying all of the fun and biblical learning going on. Email
                                          us at or call the church office at

                                          817.468.0083 for Zoom details.
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