Page 8 - December 27_2020 2_Neat
P. 8

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                                                                    Youth Text Group

                                                         Attention Youth In Grades 7-12, we want to develop a
                                                         special text group just for you so that you will get all of
                                                         the information regarding our upcoming game night
                                                         and Bible study program.

          Text "youth" to 817.468.0083 to sign up. Be sure to use YOUR PHONE when you text in so we will

          have your contact info. Let your parents know that you signed up and be on the lookout for more
          info to come!!!

                                                              We're planning NOW to celebrate our 2021 High

                                                              School Seniors but we need to hear from them!!!
                                                             We want to prepare our scholarship and graduation
                                                              info and need to make sure all of the seniors have
                                                             the scholarship and Sunday school information. All
                                                             high school seniors, we need you to text "senior21"
                                                               to 817.468.0083 to get in the senior text group.

                                                       The church office will be closed

                                                       Monday, December 21 - January

                                                      1 for the Christmas holidays. We

                                                       will re-open Monday, January 4.

                                                      If you have an emergency during

                                                       that time please call our Min. of

                                                        Pastoral Care at 817.832.4199.

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