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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                   Cornerstone Church
                        Arlington, TX
                         May 2, 2021                           Thank you for joining us

                                                               ONLINE today. We
                   1 0 : 0 0 A M   S E R V I C E               count it an honor to have you
                                                               worship in your homes
                                                               with us. If you are watching
             Cornerstone’s Vision 2017-2027:                   us for the first time, please
          To reach and disciple 3000 converts;                 send us an email to
               develop them toward spiritual         
          maturity, as evidenced  by discipling                and let us know you watched. Our staff will respond to you
               others, making wise decisions                   and assist you with any questions you may have. Thank you
             consistently and managing their                   for visiting us today!
             lives and households effectively.                 ~ Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr.

                            Bereavement Reports

               Freddie Jackson, Jr.              Kermit Pierre Jeffers
           Father of:                       Father of:
           Roy (Janie) Jackson              Chelsea Jeffers
           315 Valley Spring Dr.            8852 Poynter St.
           Arlington, TX 76018              Fort Worth, TX 76123



                                                                              We have started our second semester
                                                                                of  Tuesday Night Bible Study - No
                                                                              More Excuses Part 2. You are encour-
                                                                                          aged to join us!
                                            The Word For You                    Text “nomore” (one word) to

                                             Devotional Books                 817.468.0083 to sign up. If you partici-

                                                 Are Now In!                  pated in the first semester, you don’t
                                                                              have to sign up again, we have you
                                                                              on the list already.
                                          Stop by the church and pick up
                                          your copy of the Spring edition     We hope that all men will join us for
                                          of the Word For You Devotional.     this 8 week study. Books can be pur-

                                                                              chased at the church.
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