Page 10 - March 14
P. 10

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

              It's been a year since the pandemic hit America. The pandemic

             affected everyone in some way or another. Our first responders

                met the challenge head one and with a high level of danger.

               We want to include a photo of our first responders in a special

              video. If you or a family member is a first responder, we would

               love to have a photo to use. We're looking for our firefighters,

                policemen, paramedics, all first responders, even those who

            have retired. A picture in uniform

              would be best but we will take

             any happy smile along with the

                  name and position of the

                person pictured. Email your

                          pictures to  pic-


                    March 19.  Thank you.

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