Page 6 - November 7
P. 6

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

          A healthy pregnancy and  baby are a  blessing from God.  However, some  babies arrive
          prematurely and are very small and very sick.  One in every ten babies is born too soon in
          our country. The rate is even higher for African-American women. We need to help change

          this. November is Prematurity Awareness Month®. We, along with the members of Zeta
          Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated – Omicron Beta Zeta Chapter, encourage you to visit the
          March of Dimes website ( to see how you can help.

                    Congratulations to the following people for

              winning their category in the trunk or treat event:

                    Most child friendly theme: Tamika Harper

                    Most attention to detail: Donelle Bratton

                    Most Fun Theme: Lynette Phillips

                    Most Creative/Original: Ericka Copeland Malone

                    Best Theme With Matching Costumes: Leah Smith

                    Best Biblical Theme: Rosie Pea/Veronica Griffith

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