Page 4 - February 6
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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

            2022 Fasting, Prayer, & Bible Reading Plans

                                               NewStart 50-Day Discipleship

                                                   Journey and Reading Plan

                                                     January 3 – February 21, 2022

                                           We will read and study this guide as a church.
                                           A “disciple” is a “learner,” a follower of Jesus. We don’t primarily learn in
                                           order to know things about Jesus, but we learn in order to ACT as Jesus
                                           would act. As disciples, we literally aim to become like Jesus in every
                                           way that we can.

                                           Here’s what you’ll find on each day of this journey:
                                             A daily Bible reading designed to give you a great overview of the
                                           Bible in your first 50 days as a disciple of Jesus.
                                             A daily Meditation Question, something to mull over in the back of
              your mind as you go through your day.
            A daily journal space to write down your thoughts, things you’re thankful for, prayer needs, or ques-
             A daily link to an encouraging, short video that explains that day’s Bible reading. (No video is over 5


              If you are passionate about people and their well-being and you

               are looking for a place to serve in the church, consider joining

               the Wellness Ministry.  The Wellness Ministry encourages and

                    promotes healthy lifestyles by providing resources and

              education, as well as a supportive community. You do not have
                 to be in the medical field to be a join. For more information,

                      contact Patricia Wilson at

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