Page 10 - November 27
P. 10

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           Singles, it's time to kick our ministry back in motion and we're starting with a Christmas Fellowship, Sun-
           day December 10 from 6-8pm at the church. We will have games, a hot chocolate bar, photo opportuni-
           ties and more. Sign up today on our website at

                                                                                    Celebrate Christmas with this
                                                                                    unique retelling of the Nativity
                                                                                      story featuring Jesus as a
                                                                                  melanated baby in a story that’s
                                                                                    rich with Scripture, historical
                                                                                    accuracy, and a multicultural
                                                                                  weaving of love—from the author
                                                                                       of Crowned with Glory.

                                                                                    Purchase your copy at Water-
                                                                                   Baby-Jesus. We have a limited
                                                                                    number of copies on hand for
                                                                                    purchase at the Connection,
                                                                                     while supplies last for $10.

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