Page 9 - Feb_28
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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                  Children’s Ministry Resurrection

               Scavenger Hunt Saturday, April 3                                                              rd

           The Children’s Ministry is sponsoring a scaven-
           ger hunt for kids 6th grade and under and we
           need your help!!! We need donations of plastic
           eggs and individually packaged candies to fill the
           eggs. You can drop off your donations at the
           church office Monday through Thursday from
           8am - 5pm. If you need another drop off time,
           please contact the church at 817.468.0083.

           We will also need volunteers to assist with the
           hunt and monitor hunt stations around the
           neighborhood of the church. More details will soon be available on how you can volunteer to help.

                                                                         Children’s Min.

                                                                              Book Club

                                                                 The Children’s Ministry Book Club (CMBC) will meet
                                                                 during Spring Break for a discussion of our next
                                                                 book, “The Fall of Jericho”. It’s an exciting epic
                                                                 adventure, 112 pages in the Imagine Series, written
                                                                 by Matt Koceich.

                                                                 We will meet virtually Friday, March 19, 2021, 7pm -
                                                                 8:30pm. The children will need their Bible, pencil
                                                                 and paper, and book “The Fall of Jericho”.

                                                                 Next week you can pick up the book at the church
                                                                 office Monday through Thursday from 9:30a - 4:30p.

                                                                 If you would like for your 1 - 6 grade student to
                                                                 participate, contact Vannessa Heatley via email at
                                                        or call 682.282.7953 to
                                                                 get the Zoom ID and password and sign your child
                                                                 up for the book club.

                                                                 A question for your young reader, in preparation for
                                                                 the meeting: Have you ever been frightened?

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