Page 12 - February 5
P. 12
M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
UTC 2023
University of Transformation at Cornerstone
Spring Session
February 8, you will have an opportunity to grow spiritually in your relationship with the Lord. We will offer the
following classes at 7PM each Wednesday night. You can register for these classes online at
Lessons in Relationship from the life of Boaz and Ruth
Rev. Cecil Cornelius
In the book of Ruth, we have a great example of what true friendship and genuine relationship looks like. We can
learn from Ruth and Boaz how we are to relate to our Savior.
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
First Lady Vera McKissic
Everyone is part of a team. If you are married, employed, a member of a church or another volunteer
organization, you are part of a team. Everyone may know that teamwork is good, but not everyone knows how it
works. Come learn 17 laws to help you enjoy the process.
Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely World
Shenika Lewis
Do you know who your people are who help you to fulfil your calling? This study by Jennie Allen will help you
identify your needs and guide you in building a circle of people to help you be who God has called you to be.
Foundations for Faith
Pastor McKissic
This study will help you grow in understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. You will learn some
basic foundations of our faith that every growing Christian should know.
T-Shirt Quilting With Purpose
Veronica Griffith
Do you have a stash of t-shirts that you can’t part with? Are you ready to unleash your creative energy using
fabrics at hand? A t-shirt quilt or blanket can be a keepsake to:
· Reminisce school days
· Hold on to cherished memories of a loved one
· Honor someone or to support an organization
· Remember all of your Cornerstone t-shirts
This class will teach the basics for completing a t-shirt quilt/blanket. Sewing basics is a requirement, but anyone
can learn! We will connect our sewing and quilting to a Bible study designed to increase your creativity. There is
a supply list that you will need for this class.
(Supply List: t-shirts, sewing machine and needles, thread, fabric scissors, pins, rotary cutter, mat (optional), fab-
ric ruler, quilt batting OR fleece fabric for a blanket, fabric for sashing (optional), fabric for backing, quilt binding,