Page 14 - September 25
P. 14

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

             Mark your calendar now for the Annual Church Conference and Business Meeting. The meeting will
              take place Sunday, September 25th at 12noon, immediately following services. Come out and see
            what our ministries have done over the last year and vote on the budget for the next fiscal year. If you
            need to Zoom in for the meeting, please text “cbcvote” to 817.468.0083 and complete the form to get
                  the Zoom link sent out. Remember that only members are allowed to vote on the budget.

                    Journey of the Souls Wednesday

                          Night Transformation Study

            The healthy Christian life is one of continuing spiritual, emotional, and relational growth. But so
            many of us feel stuck or stagnated at one stage of the journey. It's not always clear to us where or
            why we are stuck, making it difficult to take the next step on our journey of the soul.

            In this study we will identify your current stage of faith and the next steps to take based on your
            unique needs and struggles. With Scripture, self-assessments, and soul care practices to support
            your progress along the way, this insightful and   inspiring study/book will be a treasured compan-
            ion on your journey no matter where you are or how long you've been following Jesus.

            We will begin this study Wednesday, October 5th at 7pm. We will have a general lesson at 7pm for
            30 minutes then break up into smaller groups to have our discussion circles. You don’t want to
            miss this transforming study called The Journey of the Souls. It’s a 10-week study and the book
            costs $12. You can pay for the books online or at the Connection.

            For  those  of  you  joining  us  online  you  can  hear  the  general  lesson  at  7pm  via  Facebook  or
            YouTube then login to a Zoom group to have your discussion circle. To participate in the online
            group you must text the word “soul” to 817.468.0083.

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