Page 8 - March 27
P. 8

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           Yes, it's time for vacation Bible School...AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! This year we will be teaching
           our kids and youth how God has created, designed and empowered them to be successful in a wide
           range of areas.

           We are looking for teachers for Pre-K4 through 6th grade, room assistants, craft workers, recreation
           leaders,  mission  leaders,  prayer  team  members,  evangelism  team  members,  medical  assistants,

           registration team members, and supply helpers. Are you willing to help us out for the week of VBS?

           In addition...we need studio creators who can lead a special class in the areas of dance, music, mime,
           stepping, art, cooking, sewing, acting, singing, technology, construction, and much more!!!

                                       If you are interested and want to learn more about how you can serve at
                                       VBS  2022,  please  make  plans  to  attend  our  first  orientation  meeting
                                       Monday, April 4 at 7pm in the foyer of Building A. Let us know you're com-
                                       ing  by  emailing  Veronica  Griffith  at  or  text
                                       VBSHELP  to  817.468.0083.  VBS  will  be  held  June  26-30,  2022  from
                                       6-8:30PM each night.

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