Page 43 - Oxford 10 Step Manual
P. 43

 “Folks that stay with this type of glass and decide to ‘do nothing’ are actually making a buying decision. They are deciding to spend the $20,000 or so over the next 10 years on heating and cooling. That’s a big investment and you don’t even get any new windows.”
While holding the DOUBLE GLASS, CLEAR:
3. Point out that this is the Andersen for
$650.00 an opening plus installation. This is the Pella for $750.00 an opening plus installation. This is the one in the Sunday paper ADVERTISED for $189.00 installed.
Turn to the competitor’s information in your book, and use statements like these:
“As a matter of fact, Mr. Jones, while I was at the home show last year I collected all these brochures from my competitors and over the years I’ve collected some written estimates as well.
I want you to take a look at some of these.
Here is XYZ Company...look at their brochure, how many pieces of glass do you see?
Do you see any
reinforcement in the
frame? They’re just a
bunch of hollow vinyl
frames, just like the one we just heated and bent.
How many pieces of glass do you see? This is their best stuff!
Here is an estimate from Mr. Johnston’s home he gave me six months ago from XYZ can see five windows for $2,500 (Picking up the double clear glass) I have that window right here!”
Do this five to ten times, using as many different companies as you have literature for or can point out in the phone book.
If the sales rep is timid about this approach, it
will definitely backfire during the close and he will actually cultivate the need to shop that he was trying to eliminate. He must practice this step of the sale over and over again until he is confident he can blow double glass hollow vinyl out of the water with a firm conviction!!!
“Now let’s go shopping.”
Proceed with glass/BTU test as described:
1. Place heat lamp with extended platform on table or flat surface.
2. Place the 2 wood blocks, from the demo kit, one on top of the other in front of the extended platform.
3. Place BTU meter on top of blocks with meter facing lamp. [Explain that the BTU meter measures heat energy, just like the heat energy that your furnace emits during the cold weather seasons.]
4. Turn on lamp and position BTU meter by moving either closer to farther away from the heat lamp until you get a reading of 400 BTUs (this indicates a starting point).
      Knowledge Is A Valuable Tool!
The sale is the natural conclusion to the successful completion of these ten steps.

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