Page 46 - Oxford 10 Step Manual
P. 46

 “To consider any of the other glass offerings based on price would only mean you want to replace obsolete with obsolete. Our glass has the most advanced technology offered in the industry. It may cost a little more, but isn’t performance and quality worth it?”
“These new windows can be your best hedge against the skyrocketing energy costs that we talked about earlier.”
As another impressive test take all three pieces
of glass (single, double and double with some technology) and place them in front of the heat lamp. The BTU meter will register about 180 BTU’s.
“The result here is that even with all the competitors glass put together it still doesn’t add up to savings you will receive with Oxford’s Super Triple-E- D8 with Envirosealed BR50 Ultimate replacement windows.”
Now, do the reflection test! Have your prospects each place their hand near the lamp. Tilt the triple sample at an angle. Show how the glass makes the heat reflect itself back on to their hand.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass says that this glass... “keeps the heat where you want it”!
“In the winter, your expensive heat stays IN! You save money on heating!
In the summer, the heat from the sun stays OUT! You save money on air conditioning!
If we can do that, and we can, you could save some serious money, couldn’t you?”
Let me ask you two questions about these four types of glass, OK?
Lay the four sample pieces side-by-side on the table and say, “which of these glass choices do you think will do the best job keeping the heat where it’s supposed to be? Forget about the money; just think about how they worked”.
Nine out of ten times they will indicate our ‘triple pane with technology’ glass.
“Well you picked the right one, because ours does work best!”
“Now, pick the one that you think is the most expensive.”
Customer usually says and points to “our” glass.
“Well, most folks say that, but let me give you another way to look at this.”
“Single glass is the most expensive. It’s the glass you have in your home. If you keep it, you are locked into giving the utility company tens of thousands of dollars over the next ten years.” [1.04 U-Value]
“Double clear is the next most expensive. You’ll put out about $3,000 or more for the ten windows and get almost none of the energy savings. So over a ten year time span, your windows would cost you over $12,000. On top of that, you’ll hate them. “[0..52 U-Value]
““This is getting closer to a good buy, but still not a ‘best-buy’! You pay about $6,500 for the windows and you get performance that is only slightly better than the no- technology glass. You’ll save a little more on energy, but remember these windows will still be 75% inefficient.” [0.35 U-Value]
       Knowledge Is A Valuable Tool!
The sale is the natural conclusion to the successful completion of these ten steps.

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