Page 8 - Oxford 10 Step Manual
P. 8

 STEP 1 –
Lead Handling and Entry
Landscaping can tell you a lot about a home owner. Neat lawns and flower beds remind you to emphasize the professionalism
of our workmen and
our thorough clean-up program.
Being alert can give
you “Warm-Up” starters and even “keys” to the prospects’ personalities. BUT YOU HAVE TO LOOK!
Note: 50% to 70% of the time you will be invited
into the home without delay. The prospect wants the information and price.
The rest of the time, there could be some hesitancy on the part of the prospects to complete the presentation. Mostly, their hesitancy is based on their fears.
Fear of someone in their home. That’s why you dress neatly and professionally. Smile!
Fear of sales people who might pressure them into buying something they do not want or can’t afford.
No matter what the hesitant prospects have to say, your job is to get in and do the work of the demonstration.
Reminder: The technique of getting in is really an easy one. Just explain that you are there to show them your window and leave them with a price.
People take time to warm-
up to strangers. A sales
rep that chooses to leave at the first bit of resistance is not a profitable sales rep.
Engaging in pleasant conversation and making them understand they do not have to buy will nine times out of ten get you in the door.
Do not pre-judge no matter what the objection is!
Objection: We’re not interested. We don’t need any windows or doors!
Response: Lots of people feel
that way. Relax, we understand
that everyone has a different timetable for windows and doors. With rising energy costs, almost everyone wants to know what solutions are out there.
My only goal tonight is to share information with you about my company and my products so that when the time comes, you’ll know about us and give us a chance to do the work.
It’s like advertising on TV only I get paid to do it in person. It’s fun and I’ll be brief.
Objection: We can’t afford a thing! We don’t want to waste your time. Even if we needed them, we couldn’t afford to buy them unless we hit the lottery!
Response: Well, I’m rooting for you to hit the lottery! I hope we have the same numbers and share the millions.
My only job here tonight is to share the information and give you a range of costs to get some or all of your windows replaced.
MY COMPANY PAYS ME FOR GIVING THE DEMO! They hope that when you get ready, if I did a good job, you’ll call us instead of one of our competitors.
Whether you ever get involved, you might pass on the info to your friends or relatives.
       Knowledge Is A Valuable Tool!
The sale is the natural conclusion to the successful completion of these ten steps.

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