Page 10 - Oxford 10 Step Manual
P. 10

 STEP 1 –
Lead Handling and Entry
Always inspect the door on the way in!
• Security – Deadbolt and locking handle?
• Security – Wide angle security lens?
• Energy – Are there air and energy leaks?
• Light around door – Energy wasted?
• Scrapes carpet – Poor fit is inconvenient?
• Cracked Glass – Leaking and unsafe?
• Worn Paint – Unsightly and unattractive?
• Storm Door – Does it fit, lock or look “ratty”?
• Stops and Trim – Are they in need of fixing?
A subtle comment will bridge you back to the door later on in your demonstration.
Store the information for later usage in your presentation.
The ABCs of Selling
Follow the Always Be Closing method of selling.
1. Attitude – always keep it positive
2. Believe in yourself, Oxford products, and your
company that represents Oxford.
3. Control is something you always want to exhibit.
4. Don’t give up. Control your Destiny. Never be
5. Enthusiasm – keep it flowing at all times. Create
6. Factual information – always give the facts.
7. Give – you must always–Give to Get.
8. High-pressure is a thing of the past. Don’t ever use it.
9. Impressions are lasting, and the first Impression is the one that counts.
10. Justify the price constantly.
11. Kill options, or the competition will beat you to the
12. Listen. Remember: God gave us two ears and one mouth to do twice as much Listening as we do talking.
13. Manage your time wisely; you are the only one who can control wasted time.
14. Never say Never.
15. Optimism – always be optimistic.
16. Positive mental attitude – maintain it from start to
finish. Practice it.
17. Question any comments prospects make that
might raise an objection.
18. Resolve these issues before continuing with your presentation.
19. Sympathy – something you want to set aside. Use empathy instead.
20. Tell, don’t sell the Ten-step selling plan. Use Third-Party influence.
21. Understand prospects by placing yourself in their shoes.
22. Verify all information elicited from prospects. Validate to be Victorious.
23. Warm-up is the key ingredient to a successful close. 24. Xerox all third-party information, and make it
available to the prospect.
25. You must show respect for prospects at all times. 26. Zero in on the prospects’ wants, needs and
    Knowledge Is A Valuable Tool!
The sale is the natural conclusion to the successful completion of these ten steps.

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