Page 54 - English Lesson Grade 5 - Preparing for an Assessment by Ms. Intan
P. 54
Number 28-29
When Terrence mixed yellow and
Terrence’s dad said that blue, he got green. When he mixed
Terrence had re-invented the yellow and red, he got orange.
color wheel. When he mixed red and blue, he got
Terrence’s dad looked at Terrence was learning to mix
Terrence’s notes. colors together to make new and
interesting colors.
Terrence heard his dad’s Terrence wrote notes about
computer go on, and then he which color mixes came out the
heard the printer printing. best.
Terrence’s dad was surprised Terrence’s dad showed him
when he looked at Terrence’s the picture he had printed
notes about the paint colores. from the computer.