Page 41 - e-Learning Modul Based on ESD (Environment)
P. 41

9. Managing fish stock:

        Science & The Fishing Industry

      > To understand the value of fish as a food source To know how fishing methods increase yield
      > To understand how overfishing has reduced fish stocks
      > To appreciate that the management of fish stocks depends on scientific research

     Fish as a source of food                                Setting of quotas

     Fish  have  been  a  valuable  food  source  for        Governments  set  quotas  in  an  attempt  to  limit  the
     humans  for  thousands  of  years.  Fish  are  an       size  of  catches.  Unfortunately,  scientists  now
     excellent  source  of  protein  and,  depending  on     believe that initial quotas for some species were too
     species,  of  oils.  Scientists  are  becoming  more    high,  and  even  the  reduced  quotas  now  in  force
     aware of the value of fish oils in preventing some      have  not  allowed  fish  populations  to  recover.  The
     of  the  `diseases  of  affluence',  such  as  coronary  fishermen  are  tempted  to  catch  more  than  their
     heart  disease.  It  is  very  important  that  humans  quota but
     include  certain  oily  compounds  (especially          to  throw  back  the  smaller,  less  marketable  fish.
     unsaturated  fatty  acids)  in  their  diet,  and  these  These  fish  are  often  damaged  by  capture  and  do
     oily compounds are extremely abundant in some           not survive to reproduce.
     fish species.                                           As  with  many  situations,  there  are  no  clear-cut
     Steps taken to conserve fish stocks                     answers.  Fishermen  understand  that  fish  stocks
                                                             must be allowed to recover but are naturally anxious
                                                             about  making  a  living.  The  scientists  can  only
     Through  knowledge  of  the  growth  pattern  of
                                                             advise, the governments must act on this advice!
     individual fish, it is possible to study small groups
     of  fish  to  work  out  how  long  they  take  to  reach
     breeding  age,  what  their  maximum  size  will  be    Fish  can  be  bred  in  very  large  numbers  in

     and which diseases they might be susceptible to.        enclosures, either in the sea or in lakes. These fish
     This allows scientists to advise on net mesh sizes      can  be  grown  to  a  size  at  which  they  can  be
     which should be used to catch adult fish, and to        successfully released to replenish wild populations.
     suggest fishing methods which will limit the catch
     of 'trash' fish (fish which are not used for human
     food).  Fishing  methods  and  mesh  sizes  used  in
     herring fishing are shown opposite.

        1 Tilapia is a fish which can be 'grown' in
        fish farms. Suggest

        a. why this is more financially sensible in
        tropical countries
        b.  three  benefits  of  having  Tilapia  in  the

                                                                    Mesh and methods used in herring fishing

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