Page 5 - 2024-eca-yearbook-final
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•   Main sail headboard width more clearly defined.
            •   Common gooseneck hardware approved.

        The Publicity Committee (Dave Willner, chair) instituted a Fleet-level social
        media position, the Fleet Reporter, who sends images and reports to their
        Regional Commander, who in turn forwards the information to Michelle Macina,
        who is doing a fantastic job of promoting the Ensign on social media. If your fleet
        does not have a Fleet Reporter, please establish one! The Ensign Class needs
        all the publicity it can get!

        In very uplifting news, Ensign Spars has committed to build two new Ensigns in
        2024! With the knowledge-base and help of the experience-rich Technical and
        Ensigns Forever Committees, the boats should be of Pearson quality or above,
        be offered at a reasonable price and should maintain the ECA’s one design

        The 2024 racing schedule is complete, with planning for all four Regional
        Championships well underway and planning for this year’s National
        Championship in Niantic, CT well ahead of schedule. The Midwinter
        Championship has just been completed in Irmo, SC, with the Columbia Sailing
        Club on Lake Murray (and our own Fran Trapp) doing a fantastic job at planning
        and organizing. Great food, friendly hospitality, varietal sailing conditions, Billy
        Ray’s Party, fantastic trophies (thanks, Ray Gresham!)… just can’t say enough…
        You should plan to attend the Ensign Midwinter Championship next year!

        And there is a very special effort underway encouraging youth and JAM (Jib and
        Main) teams at this year’s Nationals. Already, there are discussions of youth
        teams from Toms River, NJ, Sayville, NY, Niantic, CT and Lake Murray, SC with
        partial funding available from the ECA!

        No message from me would be complete without an appeal to grow your fleets
        and refurbish the boats. A beautifully restored Ensign is such a sexy boat! Invite
        your friends for a sail! Throw fun cookouts at your club! Attract others into our

        Finally, I’d like to give some airtime to some very solid people in the class who
        work hard behind the scenes to fulfill our Mission Statement.

        Yearbook  - Teresa Coronado
        Newsletter Editor - Anna Gorbold
        Boat Listing - Mike LaHaye
        Webmaster - Vic Roberts
        Membership - Marsha LaHaye
        Ship’s Store - Lythia Metzmeier

        Many thanks to each of you for the contributions you make! Make 2024 a
        fantastic year of Ensign sailing!

        Bud Brown

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