Page 1 - first_project_testing
P. 1

9/8/24, 1:19 PM          

                                                                7. In  stationary  waves,  distance  between  a
                            PHYSICS                                node  and  its  nearest  antinode  is  20  cm.
                                                                   The phase difference between two particles
        1. A closed and an open organ pipe of same                 having a separation of 60 cm will be
           length      are      set     into      vibrations
           simultaneously  in  their  fundamental  mode             A. Zero  B. π/2    C.    D. 3π/2
           to  produce  2  beats.  The  length  of  open
           organ  pipe  is  now  halved  and  of  closed        8. When a stationary wave is formed then its
           organ  pipe  is  doubled.  Now  find  the               frequency is
           number of beats produced.
                                                                    A. Same as that of the individual waves

        2. Four  harmonic  waves  of  equal  frequencies            B. Twice that of the individual waves
           and equal intensities I   0  have phase angles           C. Half that of the individual waves
           0, ,   2π  and  . When they are superposed,              D. None of these
              3   3
           the  intensity  of  the  resulting  wave  is nI 0 .  9. A  standing  wave  having  3  nodes  and  2
           The value of   is                                       antinodes  is  formed  between  two  atoms
                                                                   having  a  distance 1.21 A    o   between  them.
        3. A 20cm    long string, having a mass of 1.0g     ,      The wavelength of the standing wave is
           is fixed at both the ends. The tension in the                       o            o             o
           string  is  0.5N   .  The  string  is  set  into         A. 1.21 A     B. 2.42 A     C. 6.05 A
           vibrations  using  an  external  vibrator  of            D. 3.63 A  o
           frequency 100 Hz     . Find the separation (in       10.If  the  length  of  a  stretched  sting  is
           cm)  between  the  successive  nodes  on  the           shortened  by  40%  and  the  tension  is
           string.                                                 increased  by  44%,  then  the  ratio  of  the
                                                                   final and initial fundamental frequencies is

                                                                    A. 3 : 4  B. 4 : 3  C. 1 : 3  D. 2 : 1
                                                                11.If  v v  2   and  v 3   are  the  fundamental
        4. For  a  certain  organ  pipe,  three  successive        frequencies of three segments of stretched
           resonance observed are 425, 595 and 765                 string, then the fundamental frequency of
           Hz.  Taking  the  speed  of  sound  to  be              the overall string is

           340 ms   −1 ,  find  the  length  of  the  pipe,  in
           meter                                                    A. v 1  + v 2  + v 3     1     1     1  −1
                                                                                       B. [    +     +     ]
                                                                                            v 1   v 2   v 3
        5. A  stretched  string  of  1 m    length,  fixed  at      C. v v v      D. [    v ] 1/3
                                                                        1 2 3
                                                                                    v v
           both ends, having a mass of 5 × 10       −4  kg is
                                                                                                              ′ ′
           under a tension of 20 N. It is plucked at a          12.A closed organ pipe has a frequency  n        . If
           point situated at 25 cm from one end. Find              its length is doubled and radius is halved,
           the  stretched  string  would  vibrate  with  a         its frequency nearly becomes.
           frequency (in Hz).
                                                                    A. Halved  B. Doubled  C. Trebled
        6. The equation of a stationary wave is                     D. Quadrupled
           y = 0.8 cos(   πx  )sin 200πt  ,
                          20                                    13.The  length  of  two  open  organ  pipes  are l
           where  x    is  in  cm  and    is  in  sec.  The        and  (l + Δl)     respectively.  neglecting  end
           separation  between  consecutive  nodes  will           correction, the frequency of beats between
           be                                                      them will be approximately

            A. 20 cm  B. 10 cm  C. 40 cm  D. 30 cm                  A.   v    B.   v     C.   vΔl    D.   vΔl
                                                                       2l      4l       2
                                                                                      2l         l                         1/5
   1   2   3   4   5