Page 6 - 2021 ACE Grad Booklet Leerdam COVERthisone
P. 6

We are here today to share in this great achievement your great achievement!  This is
      a goal that seemingly faltered for one reason or another, but you never lost sight of
      You  yearning  for  education.    The  Adult  Continuing  Education  Program    benefitted
      when you joined the program and remained committed to the end.    On our side we
      are  committed  to  celebrate  you!    Today  is  your  day!    You  did  it!    You  made  it
      The path you took only matters because it should serve as the motivator to keep you
      striving and achieving even more greatness.  We are pleased and privileged to be
      here today to celebrate your accomplishment.  The pandemic did not derail you.  Thus,
      always remember, tomorrow seems even brighter than today.  After all adversities,
      you have come through with flying colors.  Please share with others  and let them know
      the sacrifice you made and to be here today. Let them know that it was well worth the
      late  nights,  homework,  projects  and  tests  you  completed.  Let  them  know  that  it was
      worth it although it requires a shift in attitude and mindset to be successful.  You must
      be in cloud 9 right now!
      In addition, let them know that the character you have portrayed and respect that you
      gave to others, didn't hurt you but help you along the way.  Let them know that this
      goal can be realized in time, and time moves very fast, because many of you started
      three years ago and thought this day would never come.

      As  you  move  forward  to  expand  your  horizons  in  the  world  of  college  and  work,  I
      encourage  you  to  continue  to  be  committed  to  your  tomorrow,  in  the  decisions  you
      make, the encounters you have and always take pride in the work you produce.
      Show  appreciation  to  others  that  have  helped  you  on  this  journey,  even  if  it  was a
      simple  word  of  encouragement,  childcare  assistance,  or  a  prayer  or  two,  let  them
      know that you are grateful for this support and will continue to count on them as you
      move forward in other endeavors.
      I  look  forward  to  your  message  of  determination  and  perseverance  at  an  ACE
      commencement in the near future. I wish you continued blessings and
      much success.
      Desha S. Powell
      Deputy Superintendent, STT/STJ

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