Page 35 - TriTech Brochure
P. 35



      VISCOSITY (cSt) VISCOSITY INDEX (VII)                                  Code: L 1100

      Test Method: ASTM D7042, ASTM D445, ISO 12185,  Sample Required: 100ml
                             ASTM D2270, ISO 2909
      What is it?
      Viscosity – Viscosity is a measurement of a  uid’s resistance to  ow and is the most imprtant property of an oil. Commonly
      expressed as “thickness” or “weight”. The higher a lubricant’s viscosity, the thicker it will be and the more energy it will take to
      move an object through the oil. Viscosity Index – is the rate of change of viscosity between two temperatures.  The lower the VI,
      the more the drop in viscosity as the oil warms up.  The higher the VI value, the less the drop in viscosity as the oil warms up.
      Why do we use it?
      Viscosity – Viscosity, by de nition, is an oil’s resistance to  ow and shear.  It is the single most critical physical property of the
      oil as it affects both the wear rate and the fuel ef ciency. Viscosity Index - The viscosity index, or VI, of a lubricant describes
      how the oil’s viscosity changes as its temperature changes. As temperatures increase, viscosities decrease, and vice versa.

      X-Ray FLUORESCENCE (XRF) SPECTROMETRY                                  Code: L 1200

      Sample Required: 100ml
      What is it?
      XRF (X-ray  uorescence) is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition
      of materials. XRF analysers determine the chemistry of a sample by measuring the  uorescent (or secondary)
      X-ray emitted from a sample when it is excited by a primary X-ray source.
      Why do we use it?
      Deployed either as a root cause analysis tool, or in conjunction with other techniques to characterise abnormal
      wear patterns, spectrum analysis allows for quick identi cation of elements that are present in a particular
      sample no matter what their sources.

      PARTICLE & OIL CLEANLINESS COUNTER                                     Code: L 1300

      Test Method: ISO 4406                        Sample Required: 150ml
      What is it?
      This ISO code is expressed in 3 numbers: 19/17/14. Each number represents a contaminant level code for the
      correlating particle size (.4µ[c], 6µ[c], and 14µ[c]). The code includes all particles of the speci ed size and larger.
      Why do we use it?
      The icountOS (IOS) is an innovative solution to the challenge of measuring the quality of hydraulic oils and
      hydrocarbon fuels in many different applications.

      DENSITY                                                                Code: L 1400

      Test Method: ASTM D4052, ISO 15212-1         Sample Required: 100ml
      What is it?
      The density of a substance is the relationship between the mass of the substance and how much space it takes
      up (volume). A common term used in conjunction with density is speci c gravity, which is the relationship of
      density to water.
      Why do we use it?
      The term “Speci c Gravity” (SG) is used to de ne the weight or density of a liquid at a speci cs temperature.

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