Page 102 - Aflac Flipbook 2023
P. 102


              An ambulatory surgical center does not include a physician’s or   The term urgent care center does not include hospital emergency rooms.
              dentist’s office, a clinic or other such location.
                                                                 Admissions into the emergency room of a hospital, admissions for
              The term hospital does not include any institution or part thereof   same day surgical procedures or admissions for observation are not
              used as an emergency room; a rehabilitation facility; a hospice   considered a hospital admission.
              unit, including any bed designated as a hospice or a swing bed; a
              convalescent home; a rest or nursing facility; a psychiatric unit; an   A physician or psychologist is not you or a member of your
              extended-care facility; a skilled nursing facility; or a facility primarily   immediate family.
              affording custodial or educational care, care or treatment for persons   The policy does not cover losses caused by or resulting
              suffering from mental disease or disorders, care for the aged, or care   from pregnancy in existence prior to the effective date of
              for persons addicted to drugs or alcohol. Benefits for confinement in   coverage, including any resulting complications of pregnancy
              a rehabilitation facility are payable under the Rehabilitation Facility   or maternal-fetal intervention procedure. For pregnancy
                                                                 beginning on or after the effective date of coverage,
              The term hospital intensive care unit does not include units such   complications of pregnancy are covered to the same extent
              as telemetry or surgical recovery rooms, postanesthesia care units,   as a sickness. Complications of pregnancy do not include any of
              progressive care units, intermediate care units, private monitored   the following: premature delivery, multiple gestation pregnancy, false
              rooms, observation units located in emergency rooms or outpatient   labor, occasional spotting, prescribed rest during pregnancy, morning
              surgery units, step-down intensive care units, or other facilities that   sickness, and similar conditions associated with the management of
              do not meet the standards for a hospital intensive care unit.  a difficult pregnancy not constituting a classifiably distinct pregnancy
                                                                 complication. Cesarean deliveries are not considered complications of
              The term hospital emergency room does not include urgent    pregnancy. For pregnancy beginning on or after the effective date of
              care centers.                                      coverage, complications of pregnancy are covered to the same extent
                                                                 as a sickness, subject to the Limitations and Exclusions.
              The term rehabilitation facility does not include a hospice unit,
              including: any bed designated as a hospice or a swing bed; a
              convalescent home; a rest or nursing facility; a psychiatric unit; an
              extended-care facility; a skilled nursing facility; or a facility primarily
              affording custodial or educational care or treatment for persons
              suffering from mental disease or disorders, care for the aged or care
              for persons addicted to drugs or alcohol.
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