Page 159 - Aflac Flipbook 2023
P. 159

American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (herein referred to as Aflac)
                                                 V ISION

                                      INSUR A NCE

                                        COV ER AGE

                                                   POLICY SERIES VSN100

                                     Worldwide Headquarters • 1932 Wynnton Road • Columbus, Georgia 31999
                                                 Toll-Free 1.800.99.AFLAC (1.800.992.3522)
        I.  Read the Policy Carefully. This document provides a very brief       Option 3 VISION CORRECTION BENEFIT: After a 24-month
            description of the important features of the policy. This is not the   waiting period, Aflac will pay $270 when a charge is incurred for
            insurance contract and only the actual policy provisions will control.    prescribed Vision Correction Materials or $480 when a charge
            The policy itself sets forth, in detail, the rights and obligations of    is incurred for Refractive Error Correction Surgery for a covered
            both you and Aflac. It is, therefore, important that you READ THE   person. This benefit is payable once per covered person during each
            POLICY CAREFULLY.                                        successive 36-month period following the end of the waiting period,
                                                                     and applies only for charges incurred during that period. NOTE:
        II.   Benefits. Subject to the waiting period, listed in the Benefit section
            (Part 5) of the policy, for the Vision Correction Benefit and the   If a covered person receives a benefit for Vision Correction
            provisions in the Limitations and Exclusions section, we will pay   Materials and later receives Refractive Error Correction
            the following benefits when a charge is incurred for covered vision   Surgery during the same 36-month period, we will pay $210 for
            treatment that occurs while coverage is in force. See the policy for   Refractive Error Correction Surgery.
            the specific waiting period for the Vision Correction Benefit.  C.  SPECIFIC EYE DISEASES/DISORDERS BENEFIT: Aflac will pay
        A.  EYE EXAMINATION BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $45 when a charge is   $1,000 when a covered person is first diagnosed after the Effective
            incurred for an eye examination for a covered person. This benefit   Date as having any of the eye diseases or disorders listed below.
            is limited to one examination per covered person, per Policy Year.   The eye disease or disorder must be diagnosed by an
            The eye examination must be performed by an Optometrist or   Ophthalmologist or a Physician.
            Ophthalmologist. No lifetime maximum.                    Glaucoma (excluding preglaucoma and/or borderline glaucoma)
            While the policy is in force, the following benefits will be paid,   Proliferative diabetic retinopathy    Retinal detachment
            subject to Part 2, Limitations and Exclusions of the policy,   Retinitis pigmentosa    Macular degeneration
            and all other policy provisions. Please see section (III) of this
            document.                                                This benefit is payable only once per covered disease or disorder,
                                                                     per covered person, and will be paid in addition to any other benefit
        B.  VISION CORRECTION BENEFIT: The option you have chosen    in the policy.
            on your application is indicated below by a check mark in
            the appropriate option box. PLEASE NOTE: Only one Vision   D.  EYE SURGERY BENEFIT: When a surgical operation is performed
            Correction Benefit option can be in effect at any given time.  on a covered person for a diagnosed eye disease or disorder, Aflac
                                                                     will pay the indemnity amount listed in the Schedule of Operations
              Option 1 VISION CORRECTION BENEFIT: Aflac will pay $80   in the policy for the specific procedure when a charge is incurred.
            when a charge is incurred for prescribed Vision Correction Materials   Surgeries must be performed by an Ophthalmologist or a Physician.
            or $130 when a charge is incurred for Refractive Error Correction
            Surgery for a covered person. This benefit is payable once per      If any operation for a diagnosed eye disease or disorder is performed
            covered person, per Policy Year. NOTE: If a covered person   other than those listed, Aflac will pay an amount comparable to the
            receives a benefit for Vision Correction Materials and later   amount shown in the Schedule of Operations for the operation most
            receives Refractive Error Correction Surgery in the same Policy   nearly similar in severity and gravity.
            Year, we will pay $50 for Refractive Error Correction Surgery.     NOTE: Surgical benefits for Refractive Error Correction Surgery
              Option 2 VISION CORRECTION BENEFIT: After a 12-month   are payable only under the Vision Correction Benefit.
            waiting period, Aflac will pay $175 when a charge is incurred for      Surgical benefits are limited to surgeries of the eye, eye socket,
            prescribed Vision Correction Materials or $295 when a charge   eyelid, and tear ducts. Only one benefit is payable per 24-hour
            is incurred for Refractive Error Correction Surgery for a covered   period for surgery even though more than one surgical procedure
            person. This benefit is payable once per covered person during each   may be performed. We will pay the highest eligible benefit. No
            successive 24-month period following the end of the waiting period,   lifetime maximum.
            and applies only for charges incurred during that period. NOTE:
            If a covered person receives a benefit for Vision Correction
            Materials and later receives Refractive Error Correction
            Surgery during the same 24-month period, we will pay $120 for
            Refractive Error Correction Surgery.

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