Page 94 - Aflac Flipbook 2023
P. 94

Rate sheet prepared by Web User on 3/3/2023 3:03:24 PM.
                                    Maryland Payroll Premium rates are Weekly for industry Class C.
                       The rates shown on this insert page are for illustration purposes only; they do not imply coverage.
                       For more information about policy/plan benefits and limitations, please refer to the accompanying
                                     product brochure for each insurance policy/plan listed below.

     AFLAC HOSPITAL CHOICE - Option 1 Benefit Amount 1500 - Series B40100
                                               Premium       EBR          HSSCR       Total
     18-49 INDIVIDUAL                           $10.14      $3.09          $4.86     $18.09
     50-59                                      $10.23      $3.48          $6.24     $19.95
     60-75                                      $10.74      $3.54          $8.13     $22.41
     18-49 INSURED/SPOUSE                       $14.76      $6.48          $8.91     $30.15
     50-59                                      $15.60      $7.26         $12.39     $35.25
     60-75                                      $16.98      $7.35         $15.54     $39.87
     18-49 ONE-PARENT FAMILY                    $12.60      $6.15          $6.75     $25.50
     50-59                                      $12.72      $6.27          $7.68     $26.67
     60-75                                      $12.87      $6.42         $10.05     $29.34
     18-49 TWO-PARENT FAMILY                    $14.91      $7.86          $9.09     $31.86
     50-59                                      $15.75      $8.01         $14.61     $38.37
     60-75                                      $17.10      $8.34         $16.59     $42.03
     EBR*: Extended Benefit Rider Premium (Available for ages 18-75)
     HSSCR*: Hospital Stay and Surgical Care Rider Premium (Available for ages 18-75)
     *Note – The Extended Benefit Rider and Hospital Stay and Surgical Care Rider are not available with Option H.

     AFLAC HOSPITAL CHOICE - Option 1 Benefit Amount 2000 - Series B40100
                                               Premium       EBR          HSSCR       Total
     18-49 INDIVIDUAL                           $13.50      $3.09          $4.86     $21.45
     50-59                                      $13.65      $3.48          $6.24     $23.37
     60-75                                      $14.43      $3.54          $8.13     $26.10
     18-49 INSURED/SPOUSE                       $20.13      $6.48          $8.91     $35.52
     50-59                                      $21.24      $7.26         $12.39     $40.89
     60-75                                      $23.31      $7.35         $15.54     $46.20
     18-49 ONE-PARENT FAMILY                    $16.62      $6.15          $6.75     $29.52
     50-59                                      $16.71      $6.27          $7.68     $30.66
     60-75                                      $16.86      $6.42         $10.05     $33.33
     18-49 TWO-PARENT FAMILY                    $20.22      $7.86          $9.09     $37.17
     50-59                                      $21.39      $8.01         $14.61     $44.01
     60-75                                      $23.46      $8.34         $16.59     $48.39
     EBR*: Extended Benefit Rider Premium (Available for ages 18-75)
     HSSCR*: Hospital Stay and Surgical Care Rider Premium (Available for ages 18-75)
     *Note – The Extended Benefit Rider and Hospital Stay and Surgical Care Rider are not available with Option H.

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