Page 20 - Hillside Vet
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Allstate Benefits Group Whole Life Insurance (GWL) for Employee/Member with rider (when available for the issue age):
                                                 Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness or Condition (GWCTI)
                                         N O N ­ T O B A C C O   P R E M I U M   R A T E S   A N D   V A L U E S    (These are CGI quotes, unless otherwise noted)
                   Face                                                                                          Face
                  Amount   $10,000      $20,000     $30,000      $40,000      $50,000                           Amount
                   Issue  Monthly CV @ age 65  Monthly CV @ age 65  Monthly CV @ age 65  Monthly CV @ age 65  Monthly CV @ age 65  This section intentionally    This section intentionally    Issue
                   Age  Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  left blank.  left blank.  Age
                   18     $5.08  $3,517  $10.17  $7,034  $15.25  $10,551  $20.33  $14,068  $25.42  $17,585       18
                   19      4.67  3,498  9.33  6,997  14.00  10,495  18.67  13,993  23.33  17,492                 19
                   20      4.80  3,479  9.60  6,957  14.40  10,436  19.20  13,914  24.00  17,393                 20
                   21      4.97  3,458  9.93  6,916  14.90  10,374  19.87  13,832  24.83  17,290                 21
                   22      5.17  3,436  10.33  6,873  15.50  10,309  20.67  13,745  25.83  17,182                22
                   23      5.38  3,413  10.75  6,827  16.13  10,240  21.50  13,653  26.88  17,067                23
                   24      5.63  3,389  11.25  6,778  16.88  10,168  22.50  13,557  28.13  16,946                24
                   25      5.88  3,364  11.77  6,727  17.65  10,091  23.53  13,455  29.42  16,819                25
                   26      6.15  3,337  12.30  6,674  18.45  10,011  24.60  13,348  30.75  16,685                26
                   27      6.43  3,308  12.87  6,617  19.30  9,925  25.73  13,234  32.17  16,542                 27
                   28      6.70  3,278  13.40  6,557  20.10  9,835  26.80  13,114  33.50  16,392                 28
                   29      7.01  3,247  14.02  6,494  21.03  9,741  28.03  12,988  35.04  16,235                 29
                   30      7.34  3,214  14.68  6,427  22.03  9,641  29.37  12,855  36.71  16,069                 30
                   31      7.69  3,179  15.38  6,357  23.08  9,536  30.77  12,715  38.46  15,894                 31
                   32      8.08  3,142  16.15  6,284  24.23  9,426  32.30  12,568  40.38  15,710                 32
                   33      8.52  3,103  17.03  6,207  25.55  9,310  34.07  12,414  42.58  15,517                 33
                   34      9.17  3,063  18.33  6,126  27.50  9,189  36.67  12,252  45.83  15,316                 34
                   35      9.82  3,021  19.63  6,042  29.45  9,064  39.27  12,085  49.08  15,106                 35
                   36     10.16  2,978  20.32  5,955  30.48  8,933  40.63  11,910  50.79  14,888                 36
                   37     10.49  2,932  20.98  5,864  31.48  8,797  41.97  11,729  52.46  14,661                 37
                   38     11.06  2,885  22.12  5,769  33.18  8,654  44.23  11,539  55.29  14,424                 38
                   39     11.62  2,835  23.23  5,670  34.85  8,505  46.47  11,340  58.08  14,175                 39
                   40     12.20  2,782  24.40  5,565  36.60  8,347  48.80  11,130  61.00  13,912                 40
                   41     12.84  2,727  25.68  5,454  38.53  8,180  51.37  10,907  64.21  13,634                 41
                   42     13.61  2,668  27.22  5,336  40.83  8,004  54.43  10,672  68.04  13,340                 42
                   43     14.43  2,605  28.85  5,211  43.28  7,816  57.70  10,422  72.13  13,027                 43
                   44     15.28  2,539  30.55  5,078  45.83  7,617  61.10  10,156  76.38  12,695                 44
                   45     16.06  2,468  32.12  4,936  48.18  7,405  64.23  9,873  80.29  12,341                  45
                   46     17.03  2,393  34.07  4,786  51.10  7,179  68.13  9,572  85.17  11,966                  46
                   47     18.12  2,313  36.23  4,626  54.35  6,940  72.47  9,253  90.58  11,566                  47
                   48     19.28  2,228  38.57  4,456  57.85  6,685  77.13  8,913  96.42  11,141                  48
                   49     20.49  2,138  40.98  4,276  61.48  6,414  81.97  8,552  102.46  10,690                 49
                   50     21.77  2,042  43.53  4,084  65.30  6,125  87.07  8,167  108.83  10,209                 50
                  This rate insert is for use with materials for accounts sitused in West Virginia, and is not to be used on its own.
                  ¹ CV @ age 65 or 10 years ­ Value shown is at attained age 65 or the end of year 10 if later, and assumes all premiums have been paid, no changes have been made to the certificate, and there is no certificate debt.
                  EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS: Suicide Exclusion ­ If a covered person commits suicide, the death benefit may be limited to the premiums paid for that covered person.
                  Other Exclusions and Limitations ­  The policy and riders (if included) have other elimination periods, exclusions and limitations that may affect coverage. Please refer to the certificate for details.
                  Rates shown are based on Tobacco/Non­tobacco, Issue Age Specific rating structure. MONTHLY means 12 times per year.
                  This information is valid as long as information remains current, but in no event later than 12/31/2021. Group Whole Life Insurance benefits are provided under form GWLC, or state
                  Term (GWPCT).
                                                                                                   Allstate Benefits is the marketing name used by
                  This is a brief overview of the benefits available under the group voluntary policy underwritten by American Heritage Life Insurance Company (Home Office, Jacksonville, FL).   American Heritage Life Insurance Company (Home
                                                                                                   Office, Jacksonville, FL), a subsidiary of The Allstate
                  Details of the insurance, including exclusions, restrictions, and other provisions are included in the certificates issued.
                                                                                                   Corporation. ©2020 Allstate Insurance Company.
                  For additional information, you may contact your Allstate Benefits Representative. or
                  $4.55.                                                                           HO Use Only: mgrit­20200131­0100­WV­TNTS­
                                                                                    Ratecard generated January 31, 2020 ­ 5:01 PM by ABQuote 12.20.2019.

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