Page 21 - Prestige
P. 21
Network Access Plan 3
PPO Dental Claims Reimbursement
Sample Member Experience
Dentist Average Charge Plan Pays You Pay
Non‐ Non‐ Non‐
Procedure Network Network Network Network Network Network *
Deductible is waived for Preventive Waived Waived
Bitewings X‐Rays ‐ Two Films $27 $38 100% 100% $0 $0
Teeth Cleaning ‐ Adult $57 $82 100% 100% $0 $0
Periodic Oral Examination $31 $44 100% 100% $0 $0
Deductible is waived for Preventive, but applies to Basic & Major services $50 $50
Filling ‐ Two Surfaces 80% after 80% after
Permanent and Primary $102 $145 $50 Ded $50 Ded $60 $69
Major: 50% after 50% after
Root Canal Therapy ‐ Molar $706 $1,008 $50 Ded $50 Ded $353 $504
Total $922 $1,317 $413 $573
Savings $160
► Illustration assumes national average charges and a 30% network discount
► Actual out-of-network reimbursement basis is limited to 90th Percentile of Usual, Customary, and
Resonable charges (UCR). * The dentist can bill the patient for the difference between the fee
schedule and the 90th Percentile.
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