Page 34 - Prestige
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Critical Illness (GVCIP2)

     Group Voluntary Critical Illness Insurance                                            PLAN 1
                                                                                           $10,000 Basic Benefit Amount
      from Allstate Benefits                                                         WEEKLY PREMUIMS
      See attached Important Information About Coverage.                             non-tobacco
                                                                                      AGES  EE, EE+CH  EE+SP, F
                                                                                      18-29  $2.33  $4.19
                                                                                      30-39  $3.26  $5.58
                                                                                      40-49  $5.04  $8.25
     BENEFIT AMOUNTS                                                                  50-59  $8.04  $12.75
                                                                                      60-63  $12.34  $19.21
     †Covered dependents receive 50% of your benefit amount.                           64+   $15.80  $24.38
     INITIAL CRITICAL ILLNESS BENEFITS †              PLAN 1    PLAN 2               tobacco
     Heart Attack (100%)                              $10,000  $20,000
                                                                                      AGES  EE, EE+CH  EE+SP, F
     Stroke (100%)                                    $10,000  $20,000
                                                                                      18-29  $2.90  $5.05
     Major Organ Transplant (100%)                    $10,000  $20,000                30-39  $4.44  $7.36
     End Stage Renal Failure (100%)                   $10,000  $20,000                40-49  $8.05  $12.76
                                                                                      50-59  $12.79  $19.88
     Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (25%)              $2,500   $5,000
                                                                                      60-63  $20.34  $31.20
     Waiver of Premium (employee only)                  Yes       Yes                  64+   $26.51  $40.45
                                                                                           PLAN 2
     Invasive Cancer (100%)                           $10,000  $20,000                     $20,000 Basic Benefit Amount
     Carcinoma in Situ (25%)                           $2,500   $5,000               WEEKLY PREMUIMS
     SECOND EVENT BENEFITS  †                         PLAN 1    PLAN 2
                                                                                       AGES  EE, EE+CH  EE+SP, F
     Second Event Initial Critical Illness Benefit
     (same amount as Initial Critical Illness)          Yes       Yes                  18-29  $3.28  $5.60
                                                                                      30-39  $5.13  $8.39
     Second Event Cancer Critical Illness Benefit       Yes       Yes                 40-49  $8.70  $13.73
     (same amount as Cancer Critical Illness)                                         50-59  $14.70  $22.73
                                                                                      60-63  $23.30  $35.64
     SUPPLEMENTAL CRITICAL ILLNESS BENEFITS I †       PLAN 1    PLAN 2                 64+   $30.21  $46.00
     Benign Brain Tumor (100%)                        $10,000  $20,000
     Coma (100%)                                      $10,000  $20,000
                                                                                       AGES  EE, EE+CH  EE+SP, F
     Complete Blindness (100%)                        $10,000  $20,000
                                                                                       18-29  $4.43  $7.33
     Complete Loss of Hearing (100%)                  $10,000  $20,000                30-39  $7.50  $11.94
     Paralysis (100%)                                 $10,000  $20,000                40-49  $14.71  $22.75
                                                                                      50-59  $24.20  $36.98
     Occupational HIV (100%)                          $10,000  $20,000
                                                                                      60-63  $39.29  $59.63
     Advanced Alzheimer’s Disease (25%)                $2,500   $5,000                 64+   $51.62  $78.12
     Advanced Parkinson’s Disease (25%)                $2,500   $5,000                    EE = Employee; EE+SP = Employee + Spouse;
                                                                                          EE+CH = Employee + Child(ren); F = Family
     ADDITIONAL BENEFIT                               PLAN 1    PLAN 2
     Wellness Benefit (per year)                         $100     $100
     ADDITIONAL RIDER                                 PLAN 1    PLAN 2
     Second Evaluation Benefit Rider
               Second Consultation                      $1,000    $1,000
               Non-Local Transportation¹   Air Fare or    $500     $500
               (per trip or mile)  Personal Vehicle      $0.50     $0.50
               Outpatient Lodging² (daily)                $100     $100
               Family Member Lodging² (daily)             $100     $100
               and Transportation¹   Air Fare or          $500     $500
               (per trip or mile)  Personal Vehicle      $0.50     $0.50
     ¹Limit $5,000/12 mo. period ²Limit $1,000/12 mo.  period

     68287                        For use in enrollments sitused in: MA.  This rate insert is part of the approved flyer, form ABJ30427-1; it is not to be used on its own.
                                  This material is valid as long as information remains current, but in no event later than December 03, 2021. Allstate Benefits is
                                   the marketing name used by American Heritage Life Insurance Company (Home Office, Jacksonville, FL), a subsidiary of The
                                  Allstate Corporation. ©2017 Allstate Insurance Company. or
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