Page 58 - SMS WV Overview.pdf
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terms and provisions terms and provisions
and exclusions of this pr ogram
and exclusions of this program
Summary of exclusions • Dental care not related to a dental injury
The health benefit plan templates do not provide • Non-surgical treatment for TMJ or CMJ other than
benefits for: that described in the contract, or any related surgical
• NGBS Advantage plans, any charges that are provided treatment that is not pre-authorized
or performed by a Health Care Practitioner, facility, or • Any correction of malocclusion, protrusion, hypoplasia or
supplier that is not identified for the Health Care Provider hyperplasia of the jaws
Network as a Participating Provider, Participating • Charges for cranial orthotic devices, except following
Pharmacy, Specialty Pharmacy Provider, or Designated cranial surgery
Transplant Provider. This exclusion does not apply to • Charges for medical devices designed to be used at
PPO plans that cover charges for treatment provided or home, except as otherwise covered in the Durable Medical
performed by either Participating Providers (In-network) Equipment and Personal Medical Equipment provision
or Non-Participating Providers (Out-of-network). or the Diabetic Services provision in the Medical Benefits
• Treatment not listed in the summary plan description section
• Services by a medical provider who is an immediate family • Charges for devices or supplies, except as described
member or who resides with a covered person under a Prescription Order
• Charges for services, supplies or drugs provided by • Charges for prophylactic treatment
or through any employer of a Covered Person or of a • Charges related to health care practitioner-assisted
Covered Person’s family member. suicide
• Treatment reimbursable by Medicare, Workers’ • Charges for growth hormone stimulation treatment to
Compensation, automobile carriers or expenses for which promote or delay growth
other coverage is available
• Routine hearing care, vision therapy, surgery to correct • Charges for treatment of behavioral health or substance
abuse, except as otherwise covered in the Behavioral
vision, foot orthotics, or routine vision care and foot care Health and Substance Abuse provision in the Medical
unless part of the diabetic treatment Benefits section
• Charges for custodial care, private nursing, telemedicine • Charges for testing and treatment related to the diagnosis
or phone consultations with the exception of Teladoc ® of behavioral conduct or developmental problems;
services if purchased as part of your plan. charges for applied behavioral analysis
• Charges for diagnosis and treatment of infertility except • Charges for alternative medicine, including acupuncture
for groups of 51 or more that are administered by Allied and naturopathic medicine
or Meritain on the traditional or NGBS Advantage plans
• Charges for surrogate pregnancy or sterilization reversal • Charges for chelation therapy
• Charges for cosmetic services, including chemical peels, • Charges for experimental or investigational services
plastic surgery and medications
• Charges for umbilical cord storage, genetic testing, This brochure provides summary information for the health
counseling and services benefit plan templates. Please refer to the summary plan
• Treatment of “quality of life” or “lifestyle” concerns description for a complete listing of the benefits, terms and
exclusions. In the event that there are discrepancies with the
including but not limited to obesity, hair loss, restoration information in this brochure, the terms and conditions of the
or promotion of sexual function, cognitive enhancement summary plan description and other plan documents will
and educational testing or training govern.
• Over-the-counter drugs, (unless recommended by
the United States Preventive Services Task Force
and authorized by a health care provider), drugs not For more information, or to apply for coverage, contact your
approved by the FDA, drugs obtained from sources insurance agent.
outside the United States, and the difference in cost
between a generic and brand name drug when the
generic is available
• Complications of an excluded service
• Charges in excess of any stated benefit maximum
• Treatment of an illness or injury caused by acts of war,
felony, or influence of an illegal substance