Page 9 - Mom's Flipbook
P. 9
Group Voluntary Disability Income (Virginia)
Product Illustration
Benefit Period: 6 Months Accident Elimination Period: 7 days
Portability: Yes Sickness Elimination Period: 7 days
Mental and Nervous Disorders Covered: Yes Premium Mode: Bi‐Weekly
Rate Class: Preferred Platinum
Additional Riders:
On‐the‐Job Accident Disability Rider, FMLA (25% of Monthly benefit) & Doula Services Rider ($250)
Issue Ages
Or Your Hourly Wage Then This Is Your
If Your Annual Salary Is At Least This Much Maximum
18‐49 50‐59 60‐64 65‐69 70 +
Is At Least This Much (based on 40 Monthly Benefit
hours/week) Amount
$8,000.00 $3.85 $400.00 $8.10 $10.32 $11.60 $12.02 $13.52
$10,000.00 $4.81 $500.00 $9.96 $12.72 $14.32 $14.86 $16.72
$12,000.00 $5.77 $600.00 $11.80 $15.14 $17.04 $17.68 $19.92
$14,000.00 $6.73 $700.00 $13.66 $17.54 $19.78 $20.52 $23.14
$16,000.00 $7.69 $800.00 $15.50 $19.94 $22.50 $23.36 $26.34
$18,000.00 $8.65 $900.00 $17.36 $22.34 $25.22 $26.18 $29.54
$20,000.00 $9.62 $1,000.00 $19.20 $24.76 $27.94 $29.02 $32.74
$22,000.00 $10.58 $1,100.00 $21.06 $27.16 $30.68 $31.84 $35.96
$24,000.00 $11.54 $1,200.00 $22.90 $29.56 $33.40 $34.68 $39.16
$26,000.00 $12.50 $1,300.00 $24.76 $31.96 $36.12 $37.50 $42.36
$28,000.00 $13.46 $1,400.00 $26.62 $34.38 $38.86 $40.34 $45.58
$30,000.00 $14.42 $1,500.00 $28.46 $36.78 $41.58 $43.18 $48.78
$32,000.00 $15.38 $1,600.00 $30.32 $39.18 $44.30 $46.00 $51.98
$34,000.00 $16.35 $1,700.00 $32.16 $41.60 $47.02 $48.84 $55.18
$36,000.00 $17.31 $1,800.00 $34.02 $44.00 $49.74 $51.66 $58.38
$38,000.00 $18.27 $1,900.00 $35.86 $46.40 $52.48 $54.50 $61.60
$40,000.00 $19.23 $2,000.00 $37.72 $48.80 $55.20 $57.34 $64.80
$42,000.00 $20.19 $2,100.00 $39.56 $51.22 $57.92 $60.16 $68.00
$44,000.00 $21.15 $2,200.00 $41.42 $53.62 $60.64 $63.00 $71.20
$46,000.00 $22.12 $2,300.00 $43.26 $56.02 $63.38 $65.82 $74.42
$48,000.00 $23.08 $2,400.00 $45.12 $58.42 $66.10 $68.66 $77.62
$50,000.00 $24.04 $2,500.00 $46.96 $60.84 $68.82 $71.48 $80.82
$52,000.00 $25.00 $2,600.00 $48.82 $63.24 $71.56 $74.32 $84.04
$54,000.00 $25.96 $2,700.00 $50.68 $65.64 $74.28 $77.14 $87.24
$56,000.00 $26.92 $2,800.00 $52.52 $68.06 $77.00 $79.98 $90.44
$58,000.00 $27.88 $2,900.00 $54.38 $70.46 $79.72 $82.82 $93.64
$60,000.00 $28.85 $3,000.00 $56.22 $72.86 $82.44 $85.64 $96.84
$62,000.00 $29.81 $3,100.00 $58.08 $75.26 $85.18 $88.48 $100.06
$64,000.00 $30.77 $3,200.00 $59.92 $77.68 $87.90 $91.30 $103.26
$66,000.00 $31.73 $3,300.00 $61.78 $80.08 $90.62 $94.14 $106.46
$68,000.00 $32.69 $3,400.00 $63.62 $82.48 $93.34 $96.98 $109.66
$70,000.00 $33.65 $3,500.00 $65.48 $84.88 $96.08 $99.80 $112.88
$72,000.00 $34.62 $3,600.00 $67.32 $87.30 $98.80 $102.64 $116.08
$74,000.00 $35.58 $3,700.00 $69.18 $89.70 $101.52 $105.46 $119.28
$76,000.00 $36.54 $3,800.00 $71.02 $92.10 $104.26 $108.30 $122.50
$78,000.00 $37.50 $3,900.00 $72.88 $94.50 $106.98 $111.12 $125.70
$80,000.00 $38.46 $4,000.00 $74.74 $96.92 $109.70 $113.96 $128.90
$82,000.00 $39.42 $4,100.00 $76.58 $99.32 $112.42 $116.80 $132.10
$84,000.00 $40.38 $4,200.00 $78.44 $101.72 $115.14 $119.62 $135.30
$86,000.00 $41.35 $4,300.00 $80.28 $104.14 $117.88 $122.46 $138.52
$88,000.00 $42.31 $4,400.00 $82.14 $106.54 $120.60 $125.28 $141.72
$90,000.00 $43.27 $4,500.00 $83.98 $108.94 $123.32 $128.12 $144.92
$92,000.00 $44.23 $4,600.00 $85.84 $111.34 $126.04 $130.96 $148.12
$94,000.00 $45.19 $4,700.00 $87.68 $113.76 $128.78 $133.78 $151.34
$96,000.00 $46.15 $4,800.00 $89.54 $116.16 $131.50 $136.62 $154.54
$98,000.00 $47.12 $4,900.00 $91.38 $118.56 $134.22 $139.44 $157.74
$100,000.00 $48.08 $5,000.00 $93.24 $120.96 $136.96 $142.28 $160.96