Page 15 - Hanford Chamber of Commerce: Small Business Startup Toolkit
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Local Financial Assistance
Kings Economic Development Center (EDC)
Kings EDC provides attractive nancing opportunities to eligible Kings County businesses to:
• Purchase or construct a building
• Renovate an existing building
• Purchase machinery and equipment
• Purchase xtures, furniture, leasehold improvements
• Building façade improvements
• ADA compliance improvements
• Provide working capital
Kings EDC can make xed rate, long-term loans up to 90% on commercial and industrial property. They can
partner with conventional lenders, and will help to nd the best lending solution for you. Call the Kings EDC
Loan Division for further information, 559-585-3578.
Main Street Hanford’s Façade Grant
The objective of the Façade Program is to provide assistance for the maintenance, rehabilitation, and
upgrading of existing commercial properties within the downtown Hanford Business Improvement District
(BID). The grant program is intended to stimulate building improvements while being mindful of the histori-
cal signi cance and uniqueness of downtown architecture. This program is designed to enhance the appear-
ance of the district, and indirectly, make a positive statement about downtown Hanford’s business climate.
Main Street Hanford’s CASp Inspection Grant Program
The CASp Inspection Grant Program is to provide nancial assistance for businesses in good standing within
the downtown Hanford Business Improvement District (BID). The grant program is intended to assist down-
town business owners seeking to reach ADA compliance by rst initiating a CASp inspection by a certi ed
CASp inspector. After completing all Grant requirements, Main Street Hanford may provide a matching grant
with a maximum of $500 per downtown business in good standing (with current City of Hanford business
license) within the Business Improvement District (BID).