Page 44 - Hanford Chamber of Commerce: Small Business Startup Toolkit
P. 44
Why Join the Chamber
The Hanford Chamber of There are also ways to get The Hanford Chamber of
Commerce is a non-profit for involved further through the Commerce provides multiple
profit organization that’s chamber by sitting on our services that benefit any
mission is to provide balanced Board of Advisors or having a business at any stage. Our
business for the betterment of representative from your packages are not based off of
our community. We see business join our Ambassador the level of services, but are
ourselves as a group of local Network Program. There are designed accordingly to the
businesses that support and many events and fundraisers size of your business.
encourage each other because that we can always use addi-
we were all there once. tional assistance with! We feel that even though you
may be small, you still deserve
We provide opportunities to We have several non-profit the same benefits as our
network and grow your organizations in our Chamber bigger establishments because
business, we organize informa- as well and we promote events, it all contributes to the strength-
tional workshops to continue fundraisers, volunteering ening of our economic necessi-
your education in becoming a opportunities on their behalf. tates developing a quality place
new entrepreneur with the ever This provides multiple ways to that will attract and retain new
changing world we live in to get involved serving your talent. Help continue to develop
help you adapt, we encourage community. our community, giving Hanford
you to give back after becom- places to eat, play, shop, and
ing successful by continuing We highly suggest you follow us stay and become a member
our services and contributing to on Facebook and Instagram to today! Our membership packet
other future start up business- stay up to date with everything outlining our benefits in detail
es. going on in our wonderful City. can be provided upon request
We encourage promoting each or can be viewed by visiting our
other by liking, following, and website.
sharing fellow members.
113 Court Street, Suite 104, Hanford, CA 93230 | 559.582.0483 |