Page 93 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 93

Environmental Baseline Study of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsite, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

               8.11:  Location: 02
               TOTAL WEIGHT OF SAMPLE= 9.825KG
               8.12 Physical Analysis of Solid Waste

              S. No.             Parameters                       Results                           Units

                1.              Bulk Density                        166                            Kg/m  3
                2.             Calorific Value                     858.57                          Kcal/kg

                3.                Moisture                         62.53                             %

                4.              Conductivity                       1211.9                         µmh/cm

               8.13 Particle Size and Composition Analysis:

            S. No.                  Parameters                             Results                      Units

              1.                      Plastic                               20.15                        %

              2.                       Paper                                NIL                          %
              3.                    Cardboard                               NIL                          %

              4.                    Thermocol                               NIL                          %

              5.                       Glass                                1.54                         %
              6.                      Metals                                NIL                          %

              7.                      Leather                               NIL                          %

              8.               Rubber & Synthetics                          NIL                          %
              9.                 Clothes and Rags                           3.24                         %

             10.                     Sand/Silt                              NIL                          %

             11.                       Stone                                4.10                         %
             12.                       Brick                                12.25                        %

             13.              Horticulture waste/wood                       NIL                          %

             14.             Decomposed/insert Waste                        58.72                        %

               ECON Laboratory & Consultancy, Dehradun
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