Page 7 - 2021 Residential Listing Presentation
P. 7
SABJ Business of the Year Finalist and opened
Fredericksburg office
SABJ Family Owned Business Honoree and
opened new New Braunfels location
Celebrates 30 anniversary
2 01 8
Commercial division and new Boerne location opened,
Jennifer Shemwell named SABOR’s REALTOR
Broker of the Year and received SABJ C-Suite Award
201 7
New Locations opened in Alamo Heights,
North Central and New Braunfels
2 01 5
Re-branded and named a Top
Workplace for 6 consecutive year
201 4 by the San Antonio Express-News
SABJ ranked Jennifer Shemwell as the #1
agent in San Antonio
2 01 2
SABJ ranked Phyllis Browning as the #1 agent in
San Antonio
20 08
Jennifer Shemwell appointed President, Phyllis Browning
named Chairman of the Board and CEO
2 0 06
Joined Charter Members of Leading Real Estate Companies of
the World and its luxury global network, Luxury Portfolio
20 05
Phyllis Browning inducted into San Antonio
Business Hall of Fame from Gov. Rick Perry
2 0 03
Ranch division opened
1 99 9
Reached $1 billion in sales
1 9 96
Phyllis Browning named “Small Business Leader of the Year” by
San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
1 989
Company Founded