Page 9 - Listing Presentation 2022
P. 9
We have agents ready to help you find your ideal THE VERY BEST BY THE NUMBERS
home throughout the United States and around 1.2 million annual global transactions
the globe. Whether it is a country house or a $586 billion total annual home sales volume
property in a resort location, we can help you find
4,700 offices
the perfect property.
70+ countries
Real estate is still a local business. Our network is
Introductions made in 90 countries in 2021
comprised of the very best local and regional real
33,000 affiliate-to-affiliate client introductions
estate professionals in the country. With a local
made each year
focus and a global perspective, our associates will
provide you with the highest attention to detail 130 client introductions made daily worldwide
with the most significant real estate connections. A referral is placed every 15 minutes in our network
The Very Best for Texas 10