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                            THE INTERIOR

      6            DECLUTTER

                   The  rst way to spruce up your home is to declutter. We accumulate so many things; every
                   surface can eventually become covered with things you don’t have time to put away. Taking the
                   time to get rid of the things you’re not really fond of can considerably increase visual appeal.


          Add or rearrange light sources. Sometimes, the way  xtures were installed when the house         7
           was built just doesn’t work for you. Save up a little money and move some of those lights
             around. You could also upgrade the light  xtures themselves. A lot of older homes have
                 silver accents. Upgrading to brushed bronze can make your home feel more modern.
     8             HARDWARE

                   While you’re at it, go ahead and update the home’s hardware. That includes the hardware on
                   the doors as well as cabinetry and plumbing  xtures. Matching them all will look like you
                   have a new home.

                                                                                     REPAINT               9

             Another thing you can do is repaint. Neutral color palettes are a big trend. If you don’t
           want to change your  oors and they are tan, stay consistent with tan or taupe walls. With
  10               DECOR
                               white trim, this color scheme will make your house feel fresh and new.

                   Focus on decor. Remove family photos or personal mementos and hang art pieces that  t in
                   with your design motif. Display fresh  owers - having a vase with fresh cut  owers always
                   creates an inviting ambiance.
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