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San Antonio

          Economic Outlook

         Marci Rossell, PhD
         Chief Economist
         Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®

         SAN ANTONIO TURNS 300 IN 2018.                             But now the time for reflection has passed and we have
         Our city’s Tricentennial year is a celebration of San Anto-  our collective eyes on the future. San Pedro Creek, the
         nio’s incredible history and culture that have shaped this   East Side Innovation Center, Velocity TX and continued
         community into what it is today. It’s an opportune time    improvements to San Antonio International Airport are
         to reflect on how far San Antonio has come, but it is with   just a few of the landmark initiatives on the immediate
         even greater excitement that I look to the city’s next 300   horizon. Promoting growth that will benefit the economy
         years.                                                     as well as elevate the quality of life in San Antonio is a
                                                                    priority. Our economic development strategy has evolved
                                                                    and we are focused on targeted industry growth to at-
         2017 was a year of building, changing and growing, for     tract new businesses and retain our existing employers
         the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation            in cybersecurity, bioscience, information technology, ad-
         (SAEDF) and for our community. Construction on the         vanced manufacturing, aerospace, new energy and finan-
         skyline-changing Frost Tower began; we received the UN-
         ESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy designation; and ex-    cial services. Local colleges and universities are aligned
                                                                    and offer leading degree and certificate programs to sup-
         pansion deals with the likes of Hulu, EY and hometown      port job growth in these industries. These jobs represent
         giant USAA sent a strong message to other organizations    the biggest growth opportunities for our community to
         around the world that San Antonio, Texas is open for       develop a dynamic and diverse economy that can weather
                                                                    any storm.
         San  Antonio’s  economic  growth  was  the  third  fastest
         among major U.S. cities with a gross regional product      2018 will be a game-changing year in San Antonio and
         growth of 31% from 2011 – 2016. There is more interest     the start of the next chapter in the history of our great
         in our community than ever before and at SAEDF we’ve       city, the ideal time to start to realize our full potential. San
         felt that interest directly through the size and volume of   Antonio residents have a front row seat to the transforma-
         economic development projects in our pipeline. San An-     tional growth we are experiencing and with that, an even
         tonio’s economic competitiveness and rising profile are a   better quality of life. There is still work to be done to make
         direct result of smart strategy, exceptional collaboration   San Antonio as competitive as possible, but if our first 300
         between the public and private sectors and today’s eco-    years are any indication of the progress that is to come,
         nomic landscape.                                           then the future looks very bright.

         CONTENT PROVIDED BY - Marci Rossell, PhD, Chief Economist*, Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®             26.
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