Page 3 - PBC Marketing Menu 2021
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                NEW PRICE
              7 0 1 GRAND VIEW PLA CE
                 TERRELL HILLS
                NEW PRICE          Rezora E-Flyer, Free with Rezora subscription
                                        - Open House announcements
              7 0 1 GRAND VIEW PLA CE
                 TERRELL HILLS
                                        - New listings
                                        - Price Change
         5 BEDROOMS |  5 BATHS PLUS 3 HALF-BATHS |  8,369+/- SQ. FT.
                  OFFERED AT
                 $3,998, 000
                                   Luxury Home Magazine e-blast, $250/each to their database of subscribers
         5 BEDROOMS |  5 BATHS PLUS 3 HALF-BATHS |  8,369+/- SQ. FT.
                  OFFERED AT
                 $3,998, 000
              PHYLLIS BRO WNING
              REALT OR®            Moxi Newsletters, Free with Moxi subscription
              O  210 .82 4. 7 8 7 8
              P BR O WN I NG@ P HY L L IS B R O W N IN G . C O M
              W W W.PHYLLISBRO WNING. C OM
              PHYLLIS BRO WNING         - Holiday Campaigns
              REALT OR®
              Rezora E-Flyer
              O  210 .82 4. 7 8 7 8
              P BR O WN I NG@ P HY L L IS B R O W N IN G . C O M
              W W W.PHYLLISBRO WNING. C OM    - Client contact
                                   Banner Ads
                                        - Rezora, $35/month targeting recipients of e-blasts through Rezora
                                        - LPI, $110/3 weeks, target by city (15% off retail price)
                                        - SOI Banner Ad, $84/month
                                        - San Antonio Report: $500/1 week: Leaderboard banner ad on their website

                                   PBC Featured Listing, $100/week
          Luxury Portfolio Banner
                                        - Featured on PBC e-blast to our database of over 28,000 contacts

                                        - Accompanied social media post to our over 15,000 followers across all platforms

                                   Luxury Portfolio Options:
                                        - LPI Digital Bundle, $600-$850

                                        - LuxeSelect, $300-$800

                                   Haute Residence Package, $500/month

                                   LeadingRE Feature Property, $399
                                        - Featured listing status and top-level search results on

                                        - Inclusion in the WSJ Real Estate section online
                                        - A Guided Tour video of the property

                                        - Exclusive advertising discounts

                                 Order products on AgentWeb or


                                                                                          Pricing and availability subject to change
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