Page 5 - RelocationEssentials_Boerne
P. 5


                                                                                 Boerne’s Hill Country Mile is a stretch
                                                                                 along Main Street of locally-owned
                                                                                 specialty shops and restaurants right
                                                                                 through  the  historic  heart  of  down-
                                                                                 town Boerne. Shopping along the Hill
                                                                                 Country Mile, you’ll find everything
                       BOERNE’S HILL COUNTRY MILE                                from on-trend boutique clothing and
                                                                                 home décor to treasured antique pieces.

                                                                    CIBOLO CREEK BREWING CO.

                                                                    Cibolo Creek Brewing Co. is proudly owned and
                                                                    operated by the Mazour and Wolosin families. As
                                                                    residents of Boerne, they love and appreciate the
                                                                    community, neighbors and the town’s rich history.
                                                                    Their purpose is to provide a welcoming environment
                                                                    for family, friends, neighbors and travelers alike.

                                                                    THE CIBOLO NATURE CENTER

                                                                    The Cibolo Nature Center and Farm is a community
                                                                    that passionately believes our brightest future is one
                                                                    lived in harmony with nature. Beginning with the Ci-
                                                                    bolo Creek, our aim is to ensure our natural treasures
                                                                    are not only protected, but thriving. To do this, the cen-
                                                                    ter is building a unique conservation model to protect
                                                                    our resources, study and learn from the natural world,
                                                                    teach and apply sustainable farming practices as well
                                                                    as encourage the enjoyment and celebration of nature.

                              THE CIBOLO NATURE CENTER
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